I always wanted to shoot a “0” budget commercial as a challenge. I have seen great low budget commercials but i wanted to see what happens when the budget falls down to absolute zero. So when i saw a contest on a crowd sourcing platform about a commercial for a known cosmetics company i decided to give it a try. My good friend Dimos was willing to test his skills as an actor so i overcame the toughest part of any video production thanks to him. The commercial was shot in 2 Days and 2 locations with a Lumix GH5 handheld. The first location was a dentist’s office and the second one… well that was a complete nightmare… As you can see on the photos it was a large & dirty basement where i had to resemble an artist’s studio. So i painted one wall and hung some plastic wrap on the ceiling to hide that nasty background. Then i placed a strong led light behind the plastic wrap and 2 led panels to light the scene in front of the canvas. Actually all these raised the budget at a total of 10 euros (what a tragedy…). The final result has many flows, as expected, but it was a real challenge and i learned many things by just trying it. I also wrote the music as that one has to be an actual “10” euros budget production…