This was a fantastic DIY project. Every year i am working with my brother Nikos on something like this but this time it took over 6 months to get that thing done… It is a custom made electronic drum set! I always wanted an extra silent drum set so that i can practice in my home without disturbing the neighbours. I tried many products from popular companies but nothing was really silent. So i designed a custom set with unique damping capabilities and special materials used in aeronautics, like silicone sponge and well….the result is phenomenal… Being a brother of a talented carpenter like Nikos is of course a benefit. My brother built the rack system, where all the pieces are mounted on, and helped my to refine the wood shells. These are made of Sapele wood. I made a custom mold where 3 layers of 3 mm Sapele where bent and glued together to create the body of each drum. As you can see in the photos i tried many materials to find the proper one that is both silent and able to reproduce the hit response of a real drumhead. I ended up with a silicone sponge sandwich with 5 layers of different materials. After the prototype snare drum was ready i made a new set of tests, using two different drum modules, to find the ideal sensor placing on each drum. Finally i made 3 custom cymbals with 3 zones that are extremely sensitive and act like real cymbals when you hit them. Being a total noob on electronics that was a real challenge. I am really happy with the final result. It is great looking and very close to the real thing.